Friday, 8 December 2017

Important for SSC CHSL 2017-2018

1. From Which country Indian Constitution Borrowed Fundamental Rights ?
Answer: America (USA)
2. From Which country Indian Constitution Borrowed Supreme Court ?
Answer: America (USA)
3. From Which country Indian Constitution Borrowed Preamble ?
Answer: America (USA)
4. From Which country India Borrowed Written Constitution ?
Answer: America (USA)
5. From Which country Indian Constitution Borrowed Fundamental Duties ?
Answer: Russia (USSR)
6. From Which country India Borrowed Five year Plan ?
Answer: Russia (USSR)
7. From Which country Indian Constitution Borrowed Speaker in Lok Sabha ?
Answer: Britain (UK)
8. From Which country Indian Constitution Borrowed Parliamentary Election ?
Answer: Britain (UK)
9. From Which country Indian Constitution Borrowed Election Commission ?
Answer: Britain (UK)
10. From Which country Indian Constitution Borrowed 'Suspension of Fundamental Rights during the Emergency' ?
Answer: Germany
11. From Which country Indian Constitution Borrowed Concurrent list ?
Answer: Australia
12. From Which country Indian Constitution Borrowed Federal System ?
Answer: Canada
13. From Which country Indian Constitution Borrowed Union - State List ?
Answer: Canada
14. From Which country Indian Constitution Borrowed Amendment of the Constitution ?
Answer: South Africa
15. From which country Indian Constitution Borrowed Directive principles
Answer: Ireland
Previously asked gk questions about Constitution Amendments in competitive exams
1. Which amendment is known as Mini constitution ?
Answer: 42 nd amendment (1976)
2. In which amendment did the Preamble amended ?
Answer: 42 nd amendment
3. In which amendment did Right to property is removed from the Fundamental Rights ?
Answer: 44 th amendment (1978)
4. In which amendment did the voting age is lowered form 21 to 18 ?
Answer: 61 st amendment (1989)
5.which amendment created the National Capital Territory of Delhi ?
Answer: 69 st amendment (1991)
6. Which amendment lead to the creation of Panchayat Raj ?
Answer: 73 st amendment (1992)
Latest general knowledge questions about Constitution Articles in competitive exams
1. Fundamental Right are granted to citizens under which Article ?
Answer: Article 12 to 35
2. 'Right to Equality' is guaranteed to the citizens of India under Article ?
Answer: Article 14
3. Article 17 of the Indian Constitution provides for ?
Answer: Abolition of Untouchability
4. Which article deals with Right to elementary Education ?
Answer: Article 21 A
5. Which article is known as Necessary Evil ?
Answer: Article 22
6. Which article has banned employment of children below the of 14 in hazardous industries and factories ?
Answer: Article 24
7. Which article is known as Heart and Soul of the Constitution ?
Answer: Article 32
*8.Which article deals with Organization of village panchayat?
Answer: Article 40
*9.Which article deals with Uniform civil code?
Answer: Article 44
10. Which article deals with the free and compulsory education to all children below 14 years of age ?
Answer: Article 45
11. Which Article deals with the Fundamental Duties ?
Answer: Article 51 A
12. Which Article relates to the establishment of Finance Commission ?
Answer: Article 280
*13. Which article of constitution deals with . Public Service Commissions for the Union and for the States?
Answer: Article 315
14. Which is the Article that provides special status to the state of Jammu and Kashmir ?
Answer: Article 370

15 Important Questions for your Exam and Competition

1) : संविधान में भारत का उल्लेख किस रूप में किया गया है?
उत्तर : राज्यो के संघ के रूप में
2) : स्थाई शांति हेतु सिद्धांत किसने दिया ?
उत्तर : ट्राटस्की
3) : लेनिन की मृत्यु कब हुई ?
उत्तर : 1924 में
4) : यूरोप में यूरो मुद्रा का प्रचलन कब हुआ ?
उत्तर : 1999 ई. में
5) : मानवाधिकार दिवस कब मनाया जाता है ?
उत्तर : 10 दिसम्बर
6) : मनुष्य की आंखे कितने मेगापिक्सल की होती है ?
उत्तर : अगर मनुष्य की आंखे एक कैमरा होती तो 572 मेगापिक्सल के बराबर होती |
7) : भारत के पहले रेलवे सुरंग का क्या नाम है ?
उत्तर : पारसिक सुरंग
8) : आरबीआई के प्रथम गवर्नर कौन थे ?
उत्तर : सर ओसबोर्न स्मिथ
9) : एक क्रेडिट कार्ड एसोसिएशन कौन सा है ?
उत्तर : मास्टर कार्ड
10) : भारतीय रेलवे का विश्व में कौन सा स्थान है ?
उत्तर : दूसरा
11) : किस उद्योग में गंधक का सबसे अधिक मात्रा में प्रयोग किया जाता है?*
उत्तर : रसायन उद्योग।
12) : ज्वालामुखी पर्वत माउंट सेंट हेल्स कहाँ स्थित है?*
उत्तर : संयुक्त राज्य अमरीका।
13) : ताप्ती नदी कहाँ गिरती है?*
उत्तर : अरब सागर।
14) : पेट्रोलियम पदार्थ का आयात किस बंदरगाह से किया जाता है?*
उत्तर : हल्दिया बंदरगाह।
15) : भारत का सबसे पुराना वलित पर्वत कौनसा है?*
उत्तर : अरावली पर्वतमाला।

SSC अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्न ***********IMPORTANT

* सबसे हल्की धातु है - लिथियम
* सबसे भारी धातु है - ओसमियम
* सबसे कठोर धातु है - प्लेटिनम
* सबसे कठोर पदार्थ है - हीरा
* सबसे उत्तम कोयला है - एन्थ्रासाइट
* जल का शुद्ध रूप है - वर्षा का जल
* मार्श गैस कहलाता है - मीथेन
* नोबेल गैस कहलाता है - हीलियम
* विधुत धारा मापी जाती है - आमीटर से
* पारा का प्रमुख अयस्क है - सिनेबार
1 टेलीविजन का अविष्कार किया-जे. एल. बेयर्ड (John Logie Baird)
2 रडार का अविष्कार किया-टेलर एवं यंग
3 गुरूत्वाकर्षण की खोज किसने किया-न्युटन ने
4 सिरका व अचार में कौन सा अम्ल होता है-एसिटिक अम्ल
5 निबू एवं नारंगी में कौन सा अम्ल होता है-साइट्रिक अम्ल
6 दूध खट्टा होता है-उसमें उपस्थित लैक्टिक अम्ल के कारण
7 मतदाताओं के हाथ में लगाये जाने वाली स्याही होती है-सिल्वर नाइट्रेट
8 पृथ्वी अपने अक्ष पर घूमती है-पश्चिम से पूर्व की ओर
9 प्याज व लहसुन में गंध होता है-उसमें उपस्थित पोटैशियम के कारण
10 x-किरणों की खोज की-रोन्ट्जन ने
11 स्कूटर के अविष्कारक-ब्राड शा
12 रिवाल्वर के अविष्कारक-कोल्ट
13 समुद्र की गहराई नापते हैं -फैदोमीटर से
14 डी.एन. ए. संरचना का माडल दिया-वाटशन व क्रिक ने
15 प्रयोगशाला में बनने वाला पहला तत्व-यूरिया
16 टेलिफोन के अविष्कारक-ग्राहम बेल
17 भारत द्वारा छोडा गया पहला उपग्रह-आर्य भट्ट
18 पेन्सिलीन की खोज की-एलेक्जेन्डर फ्लेमिंग ने
19 चेचक के टीके की खोज की-जेनर ने
20 जीव विज्ञान के जन्मदाता-अरस्तु
21 डाइनामाइट के अविष्कारक-अल्फ्रेड नोबल
22 चन्द्रमा पर उतरने वाला पहला आदमी-नील आर्म स्ट्रांग
23 अंतरिक्ष में जाने वाले पहले आदमी-यूरी गगारिन
24 सबसे बडी हड्डी-फीमर जांघ की
25 सबसे छोटी-स्टेपिज कान की
26 संसार का सबसे बडा पुष्प-रेफ्लेसीया
27 किस विटामिन में कोबाल्ट होता है-B12
28 एनिमिया किस विटामिन से ठीक हो जाता है- B12
29 रतौधी रोग किस विटामिन के कमी से होता है-विटामिनA
30 विटामिन B की कमी से कौन सा रोग होता है-बेरी बेरी
31 टायफायड से शरीर का कौन सा अंग प्रभावित होता है-आंत
32 रेबिज के टीके की खोज किसने की-लुई पाश्चर ने
33 हैजा व टीबी के जीवाणुओं की खोज की-राबर्ट कोच(1982)
34 रक्त में पाया जाता है -लौह तत्व
35 एक्स किरणे हैं-विधुत चुम्बकीय किरणें
36 पानी में हवा का बुलबला होता

100 Objective Questions( BANKING AWARENESS )

1) What is Shadow Banking?
Ans :- Financial transactions and other activities of non-banking financial intermediary,
2) Devaluation of Mudra –
Ans :- Increases the exports and decreases the imports of a country,
3) The RBI does not transact the business of which State government?
Ans :- Jammu and Kashmir,
4) A PAN has initially a five-alphabet series like AFZPK 7190 K. Here P stands for –
Ans :- Individual,
5) Long-term fiscal policy was announced by which Finance Minister of India?
Ans :- VP Singh,
6) The National Payment Corporation of India (NPCI) has launched a mobile based payment facility. This facility is known as –
Ans :- IMPS,
7) Bad loans in banking terminology are generally known as –
Ans :- NPA,
8) The controlling authority of government expenditure is –
Ans :- The Finance Ministry,
9) Effective Revenue Deficit was introduced in the Union Budget of –
Ans :- 2011-12,
10) Interest payment is an item of –
Ans :-Revenue expenditure,
11) Foreign currency which has a tendency of quick migration is called –
Ans :- Hot currency,
12) Ad hoc Treasury Bill System of meeting budget deficit in India was abolished on –
Ans :- 31st March, 1997,
13) Convertibility of the rupee implies –
Ans :- Freely permitting the conversion of rupee to other major currencies and vice versa,
14) Interest on savings bank account is now calculated by banks on which basis?
Ans :- Daily product basis,
15) Which is the largest shareholder (in percentage shareholding) of a nationalized bank?
Ans :- Govt. of India,
16) Banks in our country normally publicise that additional interest rate is allowed on retail domestic term deposits of which citizens?
Ans :- Senior citizens,
17) Lending to Micro Finance Institutions by Bank considered as finance to which sector?
Ans :- Priority Sector,
18) What is money laundering?
Ans :- Conversion of Money which is illegally obtained,
19) Which is a measure taken by Reserve Bank of India to control inflation in our country?
Ans :- Raising of Repo / Reverse Repo Rate,
20) What type of loan is granted by banks for purchase of white goods?
Ans :- Consumer durables loan,
21) What are fixed deposits and recurring deposits?
Ans :- Repayable on demand,
22) Which accounts are allowed to be operated by cheques?
Ans :- Savings bank accounts and current accounts,
23) What is Mortgage?
Ans :- Security on immovable property for a loan given by a bank,
24) Which will setup sore banking infrastructure for rural banks?
Ans :- NABARD,
25) What is the name of cheque when a bank returns unpaid?
Ans :- Dishonor of the cheque,
26) Which state became the first state in the country to launch RBI’s e-payment system for commercial tax payers?
Ans :- Karnataka,
27) Interest payable on savings bank accounts is regulated by which bank?
Ans :- RBI,
28) Many times we read about Hawala transactions in newspapers. Hawala in India is prohibited under the provision of which Act?
Ans :- Foreign Exchange Management Act,
29) Which is material alteration of a negotiable instrument?
Ans :- Converting an order cheque to bearer cheque,
30) Which loan constitutes the largest percentage of Retail loans in India?
Ans :- Home loans,
31) Credit risk to the bank is high from which of these cards?
Ans :- Credit cards,
32) Which is a Credit Card Association?
Ans :- Master Card,
33) What is the Rate at which the domestic currency can be converted into foreign currency and vice-versa is known as?
Ans :- Exchange rate,
34) Which are the bank branches that can undertake foreign exchange business directly are known as in foreign exchange?
Ans :- Exchange branches,
35) By which is insurance cover for bank deposits in our country provided?
Ans :- DICGC,
36) Which is the loan of very small amounts given to low income groups?
Ans :- Micro credit,
37) Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) and Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) are terms most closely related to which of the following industry/ market?
Ans :- Banking industry,
38) What is the maximum period for which domestic term deposits are normally accepted by banks in our country?
Ans :- 10 years,
39) Monetary Policy as an arm of the economic policy is administered by which bank?
Ans :- Reserve Bank of India,
40) Which reserves can act as a liquidity buffer for commercial banks during crisis times?
Ans :- SLR,
41) By whom are Savings bank accounts opened?
Ans :- Individuals for savings purposes,
42) Many a times we read in the news paper about CASA deposits of banks. CASA what are deposits?
Ans :- Demand deposits,
43) Assume that Reserve Bank of India reduces the Bank Rate by 1%, what will be its impact?
Ans :- More liquidity in the market,
44) Whose signature is found on a 50 rupee currency note in India?
Ans :- Governor, RBI,
45) Which institution is involved mainly in granting Housing Loans?
Ans :- HDFC,
46) Almost all banks in our country have introduced which facility for granting crop loans to farmers?
Ans :- Kisan Credit Cards,
47) What is meant by financial inclusion?
Ans :- Making available banking services at an affordable cost,
48) Which agency/organization in India maintains the Micro. Finance Development and Equity Fund?
Ans :- National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD),
49) A bank branch receives a counterfeit note of Rs. 100 from the customer, which customer wants it back. Which action should be taken by the Bank?
Ans :- Will impound and not return,
50) In India, which of the following have the highest share in the disbursement of credit to agriculture and allied activities?
Ans :- Microfinance Institutions,
51) What is the mean of Bad debts?
Ans :- Amounts owed to a company that are not going to be paid,
52) What is the maximum permissible limit for investment in PDF account in a financial year?
Ans :- Rs. 150000,
53) In our country, till when a cheque remains valid for payment for from the date of issue?
Ans :- 3 months,
54) The Govt. of India has acquired RBI’s stake in one of the major banks of India. Which that bank?
Ans :- State Bank of India,
55) Credit Cards are known by which another name?
Ans :- Plastic money,
56) On domestic term deposits, banks in our country generally offer additional rate of interest on term deposits from which citizens?
Ans :- Senior citizens,
57) Which instrument cannot be transferred from one person to another by endorsement?
Ans :- Fixed Deposit Receipt,
58) Crossing applies to which instrument?
Ans :- Cheques,
59) Salary payable by Government of India to an Indian Citizen for services outside India –
Ans :- Is taxable in India,
60) Which asset can be mortgaged?
Ans :- Land and Building,
61) Which is foreign bank having offices/branches in India?
Ans :- Standard Chartered Bank,
62) Basel-II norms are associated with which aspect of the banking industry?
Ans :- Risk management,
63) If PAN details are not provided, the TDS is deducted at which rate?
Ans :- 20%,
64) What does the lowering of Bank Rate by the Reserve Bank of India leads to –
Ans :- More liquidity in the market,
65) By which bank is the rate of interest on Savings Bank Account stipulated? –
Ans :- RBI,
66) Which bodies regulates monetary policy in India?
Ans :- Reserve Bank of India,
67) Resurgent India Bonds were issued in US Dollar, Pound Sterling and –
Ans :- Deutsche Mark,
68) Currency market is regulated by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), while currency futures are jointly regulated by the RBI and which other banks ?
Ans :- SEBI,
69) A bank without any branch network that offers its services remotely through online banking, telephone/mobile banking and inter-bank ATM network alliances is known as -
Ans :- Universal Banking,
70) The present Indian monetary system is based on –
Ans :- Minimum Reserve System,
71) In India, which is regulated by the forward Markets Commission?
Ans :- Commodities Futures Trading,
72) Goodwill account is a –
Ans :- Real account,
73) Financial year in banks is a period from –
Ans :- April to March,
74) If saving exceeds investment, how will the national income?
Ans :- Remain constant,
75) ... is the rate of which the central bank of a country (Reserve Bank of India) lends money to commercial banks in the event of any shortfall of funds -
Ans :-Repo Rate,
76) How does a decrease in SLR affect the market?
Ans :- Liquidity increases,
77) What does DTL stand for in the field of banking?
Ans :- Demand and Time Liabilities,
78) Real time settlement of fund transfer is known as –
Ans :- RTGS,
79) In banking business, when the borrowers avail a Term Loan, Initially they are given a repayment holiday and this is referred to as -
Ans :- Moratorium,
80) Interest below which a bank is not expected to lend to customers is known as -
Ans :- Base Rate,
81) Interest on Savings deposit nowadays is -
Ans :- Fixed by the respective Banks,
82) Banking Ombudsman is appointed by -
Ans :- RBI,
83) Bank deposits that can be withdrawn without notice are called -
Ans :- Demand deposits,
84) Suvidha Fixed Deposit scheme was launched by which bank?
Ans :- IDBI,
85) What does Demonetization mean?
Ans :-Withdrawal of currency from circulation which is done to ambush black market,
86) Increase in cash reserve ratio leads to -
Ans :- decrease in bank credit,
87) The Reserve Bank of India came into existence on -
Ans :- April 1, 1936,
88) How many banks were nationalized in 1969?
Ans :- 14,
89) The Reserve Bank of India issues notes under the following note issue method -
Ans :- Minimum reserve system,
90) The place where bankers meet and settle their mutual claims and accounts is known as -
Ans :- Clearing House,
91) Banks in India were nationalised for the first time in the year -
Ans :- 1969,
92) In India since Independence -
Ans :- the rate of savings and investment have gone up,
93) When was the IDBI ( Industrial Development Bank of India ) instituted?
Ans :- 1964,
94) When was the Reserve Bank of India taken over by the Government?
Ans :- 1948,
95) Bank rate is the rate of interest -
Ans :- At which Commercial Banks borrow money from RBI,
96) The highest dnomination of currency notes in circulation as legal tender in India is a present -
Ans :- Rs. 1000,
97) Who headed the Committee on Computerisation in Indian banks (1988)?
Ans :- M. Narasimhan,
98)The Reserve Bank of India issues -
Ans :- all the currency notes except the one rupee note,
99) The main function of the Exim Bank is -
Ans :- to promote exports and curtail imports,
100) A Bank's Fixed Deposit is also referred to as a -
Ans :- Term Deposit,

Sunday, 3 December 2017

विश्वका सामान्य ज्ञान🌍

🌍विश्वका सामान्य ज्ञान🌍
🌍 विश्व में भारत के अलावा 15 अगस्त को ही स्वतन्त्रता दिवस और किस देश में मनाया जाता है?
👍:- कोरिया में
🌍 विश्व का ऐसा कौन सा देश है जो आज तक किसी का गुलाम नहीं हुआ?
👍:- नेपाल
🌍 सबसे पुराना समाचार पत्र कौन सा है?
👍:- स्वीडन आफिशियल जनरल (1645 में प्रकाशित)
🌍 विश्व में कुल कितने देश हैं?
👍:- 353
🌍 विश्व में ऐसा कौन सा देश है जहाँ के डाक टिकट पर उस देश का नाम नहीं होता ?
👍:- ग्रेट ब्रिटेन
🌍 विश्व की सबसे बड़ी मस्जिद कौन सी है?
👍:- अलमल्विया (इराक)
🌍 विश्व का किस देश में कोई भी मंदिर-मस्जिद नहीं है?
👍:- सउदी अरब
🌍 विश्व का सबसे बड़ा महासागर कौन सा है ?
👍:- प्रशांत महासागर
🌍 विश्व में सबसे बड़ी झील कौन सी है?
👍:- केस्पो यनसी (रूस में)
🌍 विश्व का सबसे बड़ा महाद्वीप कौन सा है?
👍:- ऐशिया
🌍 विश्व की सबसे बड़ी दीवार कौन सी है?
👍:- ग्रेट वाल ऑफ़ चायना (चीन की दीवार)
🌍 विश्व में सबसे कठोर कानून वाला देश कौन सा है?
👍:- सउदी अरब
🌍 विश्व के किस देश में सफेद हाथी पाये जाते हैं?
👍:- थाई लैंड
🌍 विश्व में सबसे अधिक वेतन किसे मिलता है?
👍:- अमेरिका के राष्टपती को
🌍 विश्व में किस देश के राष्टपती का कार्यकाल एक साल का होता है?
👍:- स्विट्जर लैंड
🌍 विश्व की सबसे बड़ी नदी कौन सी है?
👍:- नील नदी (6648 कि.मी.)
🌍 विश्व का सबसे बड़ा रेगिस्तान कौन सा है?
👍:- सहारा (84,00,000 वर्ग कि.मी.अफ्रीका में)
🌍 विश्व की सबसे मँहगी वस्तु कौन सी है ?
👍:- यूरेनियम
🌍 विश्व की सबसे प्राचीन भाषा कौन सी है ?
👍:- संस्कृत
🌍 शाखाओं की संख्या की दृष्टि से विश्व का सबसे बड़ा बैंक कौन सा है?
👍:- भारतीय स्टेट बैंक
🌍 विश्व का ऐसा कौन सा देश है जिसने कभी किसी युद्ध में भाग नहीं लीया ?
👍:- स्विट्जर लैंड
🌍 विश्व का कौन सा ऐसा देश है जिसके एक भाग में शाम और एक भाग में दिन होता है ?
👍:- रूस
🌍 विश्व का सबसे बड़ा एअर पोर्ट कौन सा है ?
👍:- टेक्सास का फोर्ट वर्थ (अमेरिका में)
🌍 विश्व का सबसे अधिक जनसंख्या वाला शहर कौन सा है ?
👍:- टोकियो
🌍 विश्व की सबसे लम्बी नहर कौन सी है ?
👍:- स्वेज नहर (168 कि.मी. मिस्र में)
🌍 विश्व का सबसे बड़ा महाकाव्य कौन सा है ?
👍 :- महा भारत